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About Nekisha-Michelle Bakre

Introducing the Life Redesign Queen:


“Coaching Leaders and Entertainers to design your life with clarity and confidence and emerge into the Super-Star that you are!”

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW, is a best-selling author, life coach and president of Vivacious Living International. Her book, Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life details her triumphant personal story of childhood abuse, teen pregnancy, depression, and anxiety.

Despite having a baby at 14 years old, being traumatized by a physically and verbally abusive mother, and feeling neglected by an absent father, Nekisha-Michelle earned a masters degree in Social Work. However, her low confidence caused her to accept low paying jobs and was laid-off on several occasions leaving her and her child homeless. With her last lay-off in 2003, she gained the courage to reinvent and redesign her life with her last $98.00 and as a result she became a profitable entrepreneur and built a life coaching enterprise.

Bubbly, energetic and passionate are words that describe Nekisha-Michelle’s keen intuitive ability to help leaders and entertainers uncover their personal truth, take control and reinvent their life on their terms. This acumen has earned her the title of the ?Life Redesign Queen.? Her personal story has been featured in Black Enterprise Magazine, Empowering Women Magazine and Victorious Magazine for which she was the May/June 2009 cover feature.

As a speaker, Nekisha-Michelle has captivated diverse audience populated with celebrities Lisa Raye, Ella Joyce and Denise Dowse, to women’s prisons, churches, non-profits, universities, and corporations across the country.

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW, president of Vivacious Living International consistently demonstrates resilience. In 2003 she took her last $98.00 and created a life coaching practice. This business supersizes the confidence and happiness of others struggling with the disappointing and challenging elements of self, relationships and professional growth.

Through her personal experiences she proves that adversity does not stop ones progress; she was a mother at the age of fourteen, she was abused as a child and she faced unemployment and homelessness. Her life is powerfully depicted in her bestselling book, Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life. This book gives in-depth coaching principles to overcome self-hate, family dysfunction, fear and chronic unhappiness.

Recognized for her infectious energy and exuberant passion that radiates any setting, her wisdom and effective approach to redesigning a stagnated and unfulfilled life in 90 days or less has earned her the acumen of “The Life Redesign Queen”. In addition to life coaching she speaks at public and private events that offer highly diverse audiences from celebrities such as Lisa Raye, Ella Joyce, Denise Dowse to prisons, churches, non-profits, universities, and various corporations.

Nekisha-Michelle’s phenomenal success was rewarded by the Houston chapter of National Association for Female Executive (NAFE). She has appeared on Los Angeles top rated KTLA television news and Actors E Chat Show, she has been featured in Black Enterprise Magazine, Empowering Women Magazine and is a regular guest on countless national radio shows.

As the host of Happy Hour Live, a weekly social gathering she offers attendees the strategies and principles of happiness, love and money. The event complements her newly branded radio show entitled, ?The Happy Hour with Nekisha-Michelle & Friends? (formally Vivacious Living) which conveys that happiness doesn?t mean everything is perfect ?it just means you know how to look beyond the problem and be happy now, not later.

Since the airing of her popular weekly show on, Nekisha- Michelle has interviewed guest in the personal development and entertainment industry such as Mandy Blank, Lisa Nichols, AJ Johnson, Cindera Che, Joy Donnell, Cheryl Cooley of KLYMAXX, Rev. June Juliet Gatlin and Devin Alexander to name a few.

In addition, to her rewarding career as a life coach, speaker, host and author, she keeps her masters degree in social work active by serving as the Executive Director of Adoptions for Guardians of Love FFA in Los Angeles, CA where she resides.

For a life coaching session, media inquiries or speaking request contact: 323-596-1722 or visit


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About Jaime Kalman

Inspired Healing and Awareness was created by Jaime Kalman with the intention of nurturing and inspiring transformation, authenticity, and healing in others. She is the LA Intuitive Living Examiner for the online publication,, where she writes weekly articles about living in your highest awareness in Los Angeles. She is a certified hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnotists and a certified spiritual healer through Healing in America, the US-affiliate of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers, the most prominent healing organization in Europe. She is a member of Healing in America, and is actively creating healing circles in hospitals, clinics and rehab centers in Los Angeles. She also incorporates EFT (energy tapping) in her practice, providing people relief from physical and emotional discomfort. She offers compassionate and confidential consultation, guided meditation, hands-on energy balancing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, relaxing and transformative hypnosis, and creates an atmosphere of integrity,love, inspiration and possibility. She helps her clients to illuminate the blind spots that are at the source of their issues and supports them in creating access to breakthroughs that allow for extraordinary transformation and healing in their lives. Jaime works with the whole person: the spirit and each individual’s unique purpose, the higher, lower and subconscious mind, emotional responses, and energetic disruptions in the physical body. Hypnosis may be used for habit cessation, weight-loss, freedom from performance anxiety (including public speaking and stage fright), confidence-enhancement, freedom from emotional stress or trauma, past and current life regression, and spiritual awareness. Energy balancing can complement medical therapies, enabling the body to better utilize treatments. It can also soothe, comfort and relax the person receiving, thus allowing them to face their challenges more calmly and with awareness. She has also created the workshop, Acting on Purpose, which she specifically designed for actors to help them overcome self-sabotage, procrastination, and identify limiting beliefs that are blocking their artistic freedom and success. She teaches this workshop at private acting studios throughout Hollywood, California to support artists in realizing their dreams with authenticity and joy.

For more information on Jaime’s empowerment coaching practice, visit Jaime’s website:

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About Joy Donnell

Joy Donnell is a Beverly Hills-based and internationally recognized publicity consultant who knows first hand that you can either blend in or stand out.

She’s successfully pitched over 1,000 media outlets including but not limited to Oprah, USA Today, E!, Reader’s Digest, The Hollywood Reporter, Good Morning America, Variety, Cosmopolitan, GQ, and The Tonight Show. Now, you can learn how she does it.

As a publicity consultant, Donnell’s helped hundreds of entertainers, performers, and business people learn to promote themselves and leap over communication obstacles such as self-doubt and utter confusion. Pitch Perfect is a fun, insightful e-booklet that will help every reader pitch themselves to peers, decision-makers and the media with confidence and power.

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About Mooney Twins

Perhaps best known for their roles as Kenny Rae and Benny Rae in the 1979 sports/fantasy comedy film “The Fish that Saved Pittsburg,” the Mooney Twins have dedicated a lifetime to energizing communities with resources and progressive often life changing information, through the medium of humor and laughter.

As social philanthropist, the Mooney Twins enjoy a long list of humanitarian awards and honors that span the 30 years of their careers in comedy and public speaking. The Mooney Twins, bestowed with the magnificient gift of prestige and celebrity, are deeply amoured for their contributions to the entertainment industry; their great trides in the human potential movement. and also, in connection with their father, the legendary, Paul Mooney.

For more than three decades, the Mooney Twins dedicated our lives to sharing life changing information, easing social tensions, and creating smiles, with comedy. We coined the phrase “Conscious Comedy” — which simply means humor with a message intended to heal deep social wounds. They’ve had a great life, visiting nearly every city in the country, sharing Conscious Comedy in night clubs, and speaking at corporate offices, government and non-profit organizations, colleges and Universities.

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About Ingrid Katal

Ingrid E. Katal is living the life she’s always dreamed of.

As co-founder and CAO of Detection Logic Fire Protection Inc., Ingrid has designed innovative administrative operations and cutting-edge business procedures that have garnered respect nationwide. By incorporating her unique methods of training staff members, she has been able to pinpoint areas of personal behavior which have helped determine a better business path for all to excel upon. This has resulted in shorter training programs, higher productivity levels and even higher revenues. Her signature designs promote productive work environments and have helped the company grow into the largest independent Fire/Life Systems contractor in the United States, with over 470 employees and 12 branches nationwide and growing.

Despite her never ending schedule, she has managed to add design diva to her repertoire, creating exceptionally phenomenal offices and homes in the past 10 years. Designers rave that her style and functionality are very much like her books and her life, detailed, orderly, exciting and memorable.

Ingrid seamlessly balances her life as an executive, a wife and a mother of two at her home in Southern California, hoping to add ” Best Selling Author ” as the next moniker while she publishes and promotes her upcoming book, “what is your Honor Code?”

“What is your Honor Code” has already earned esteemed reviews from industry professionals and appears en route to the list of best sellers. No small accomplishment for a girl born into a family that escaped an oppressive Communist regime when she was just three. The Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 forced her family to flee to Canada. Raised in a strict household, her tall and striking frame always claimed her a seat in the rear of the class, and proved to create challenges both academically and socially.

As an introverted 12 year old, she developed an acute intuition, observing life while creating a filter through which she would receive, perceive and respond unlike others around her. Years of progressive ear infections plagued her during her early years, and by the age of 15 she’d lost 90% of her hearing, which was later corrected with surgery.

High school was a turning point where the older, bigger kids became her new friends and her confidence started blossoming through the creative arts such as drama, music and Royal Conservatory in both piano and voice.

Despite heartbreaking challenges early on, Ingrid has made extraordinary strides both personally and professionally. For the next two decades she worked with underprivileged children, earned a college degree and dove into the business world with her characteristic tenacity. There she reconstructed core operations and managed many corporations, assisting the companies’ subsidiaries maximize earnings. During this time, she developed long-term solutions that became a platform for her operations strategy and later on what would become her book’s premise. The idea of managing emotional behavior in all facets of life struck a chord with Ingrid and became the basis of her professional endeavors. She continuously improved and refined her work during the creation of Detection Logic, Inc. and realized the key element to successful operations is customer service; not only for clients and vendors but with employees, too. Creating opportunities where an employee could grow naturally and ultimately thrive was the key. Making management decisions based on factual information was vital as well. This process benefited both company and employee.

At the grand opening of 10 10 10, Ingrid started the HONOR CODE Studio, a division of Simply True Comminications, in Sherman Oaks Caliornia. This beautiful studio features, amongst many venues, publications, HONOR CODE Collection and teachings of Advanced Thinking Skills to Manage the Mind. Besides workshops and private sessions, Ingrid also unvieled Kangen Water™ for prospective clients and business team memers. Connecting Mind, Body & Spirit under one roof is a great formula to making it all about you. It may be controversial, but she feels this is a true solution and the missing link to mind management. She has assisted many top executives, as well as children, men, women and married couples, who have overcome personal challenges to reach their maximum potential. The love of people and the hunger for answers and opportunity in this country are the driving forces behind Ingrid’s passion and faith in those that are ready to make the change and laugh continuously along the way.

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Welcome to Motivational Chat

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on Actors Entertainment



Welcome to Motivational Chat. We’re your hosts, John Michael Ferrari and Jaime Kalman Let’s explore and share together self-help experts as they contribute some of the best motivational tips imaginable. I’ve been reading and studying top motivational and inspirational authors and speakers for more than 2 decades. Much of what they have to say has worked for me and I know you will be helpful for you too.

What are you goals? To be a Famous actor? Broadway singer? Successful architect? On the road to success, it’s often 3 steps forward and 3 steps back. Here, but at Motivational Chat- you’ll become acquainted with the best and-up coming life coaches and meet the high achievers who will share their secrets with you, including how to overcome setbacks, disappointments, and rejections.

Motivational Chat is built for you, for daily guidance of inspirational tips and advice. Read the comments from others and leave your own comments and input to better help your fellow friends. Motivational Chat is a show on, but it’s not just for actors. Motivational Chat is for everyone and anyone who seeks to reach their goals.

We are the result of the choices we’ve made in the past. Our today and tomorrow are the choices we make right now. If you are not where you want to be today, it could be your belief system and or lack of motivational skills are keeping you from achieving your goals. Together, we’ll learn from some of the best experts and what they have to say to pinpoint your goals and discover what it is that’s preventing you from reaching yours.

So, let’s become Motivational Chat friends and get to know and help each other with the assistance of likeable and inspirational motivational experts and hosts who may drop from time-to-time, to share their comments, or leave us up-lifting videos and/or quotes.

Motivational Chat is all about sharing and giving And to do that, we need each other. Welcome to your Networking Motivational Chat Face-book page.

All you have to do is sign up by filling in your name and email in the form, below. That’s it. Motivational Chat is for everyone who is serious about making their dreams come true. One of our Motivational Chat experts may have the answers you’re looking for. The success we’ve experienced these past few years have been incredible. And, much of it is because, as members of the Actors Reporter, we inspire each other and help fulfill our dreams and reach our goals.

“Whatever you want from life you must be willing to give. If you want love, give love. If you want success, give others the opportunity to succeed.” John Michael Ferrari.

Rules on Motivational Chat? Respect, Courtesy, and No Dishing … if you can’t say something nice … well, you know.
And, you kids: No profanity. After all, we have adults here.

So, sign in with your name and email for access to other motivational material, videos, and shows on Motivational Chat, a show on on the Actors Podcast Network, a Pepper Jay Production.

Look forward to chatting with you!

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